In the Beginning

A4 approx. tri-fold tract compiled by Jack Moorman £0.10p .each.

Perhaps Today

A4 approx. tri-fold tract compiled by Jack Moorman £0.10p .each.

What the Bible teaches concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Foolish Professors

Approx A4 tri-fold tract by Dr. Peter Ruckman. £0.20 each.

There are four possible explanations for the existence of the universe, two of which cannot stand in the light of the first and second laws of dynamics and one which cannot stand in the light of sanity. This leaves only one possible explanation which can satisfy the demands of logic and reason. 


New Eye Opener

J.J.Ray. Tri-fold £0.40. Description to follow.

New King James Omissions £0.50 G. A. Riplinger.

Compares over 200 verses with the KJV.

Shows 21 verses in which the NKJV demotes Jesus Christ, several dozen where it follows the Jehovah Witness Version and dozens and dozens where the NKJV supports New Age philosophy.

A comparison of 138 words proves the KJV is easier to read than the NKJV. It shows why the NKJV logo is Masonic  Folds out to 11 x 17 poster.  Out of stock.

Calvin and Persecution. Why the ilence?

A4 approx. tri-fold tract compiled by Jack Moorman. £0.10 each.

Dr. Moorman presents historical data from records in Geneva and statements by Calvin himself to illustrate Calvin's appalling abuse of others in the name of the LORD.